This was the weekend of our 2nd Annual Family Reunion!!! One of the best things about the weekend was, we went camping!!!!!!!! Everyone was there like, Brodie, Stephanie, Alex, Joey, Camryn, Evin, Emilee, Tracie, JP, Ed, Eddie, Eric, Ryan, Sarah, Melissa..............ya know, family, ya can live with them but you cant live without them. Our camp site was cool too! We were riding bikes and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!! We were playing games at the reunion too! Like Sack races, hula hoop contests, Dizzy Bat race, 3 legged race............the usual. There was also Mini golf, fishing, paddle boats, water parks, parks, and horseshoes.
Brodie brought a hammock and tied it to the tree. So Camryn and I were swinging and it broke!!!! :P It hurt, man!!!!! We got to miss school today (Monday) to stay at the site. Now we might go see the new movie Up!!!!!!! But first we have to eat lunch. So I'm going to show you pictures of the camping trip.
This is a picture of the fire. We made it everyday ecspecially the nights of the storm. That was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!

This is me and Camryn. I am the one on the right, the blonde. Camryn is the one on the left, the dark haired one.

This is a picture of me. I am in my bathing suit. I never wear bikinis because Im uncomforatible with my body. I also only wear boy trunks when I swim.

This is a picture of me and all the little kids. Joey is on the left side all the way over. Emilee (Emiee) is next to Joey and me. I am in the middle and Alex is right next to me on the right. Sarah is on the left of Alex all the way over.

This is JP. Camryn and Evin and Emilee's dad. He is weird but in a hurtful and funny way. Sometimes he comes up to me and says "three finger eye poke" but he doesnt go for my eyes he goes for my forehead.

This is a picture of Stephanie and Stephanie. The Stephanie in the white shirt is Brodies wife and the Stephanie in the pink shirt is Kevin's sister.

This is Evin. Camryn and Emilee's brother. JP and Tracie's son. He won an award.

This is stephanie and Brodie and Joey. In the backround is Stephanie and her dad.

This is Brodie and Joey. Brodie is all smiley and then, when you look at Joey, he's misarable. :(

This is a picture of Eric. I think he is a little on the tired side. Or he is day dreaming.